The Sisters in the 60’s

The Building of Transitional Housing in 1961

Credit for Picture: From the Archives of Good Shepherd Gracenter.

Sr. Mary Passion, RGS, Joan and Mr. Mazzola deciding on the site for Good Shepherd Gracenter in 1961.
Union Heads Survey the Transitional Housing Site.
Sr. Mary Passion, RGS, Looks at Plans with Mr. Joe Sullivan.

Benjamin Swig Founds the Men’s Guild in 1966

Credit for Picture: From the Archives of Good Shepherd Gracenter.

Mr. Benjamin Swig, well known philanthropists in S.F.
Benjamin Swig became a benefactor of University Mound School for Girls and the Sisters of the Good Shepherd.
Secretary of the Army confers the Outstanding Civilian Service Medal on Benjamin Swig, 1960.

Donors and Philanthropists

Credit for Picture: From the Archives of Good Shepherd Gracenter.

Mrs. Grace Finlay and Al Marlloux. She was a tireless philanthropist, after whom Gracenter is named.
Mrs. Rose Kennedy with the Sisters of the Good Shepherd, 1968.
John McLaren, manager of Golden Gate Park, who donated plants and trees to beautify the grounds of University Mound School for Girls in 1932.
Edna Wallace Hopper