Mission Statement
Good Shepherd Gracenter helps women without resources break free from drug and alcohol addiction and create a hopeful future for themselves and others.
Make a lasting difference in someone’s life.
Include Good Shepherd Gracenter in your estate.
By including a bequest or planned gift in your trust or will:
- You leave a lasting legacy by helping Good Shepherd Gracenter continue to support women in recovery for years to come.
- You ensure how your wishes are conveyed.
- You have the option of becoming a member of the Legacy of Grace, the planned giving program, furthering the Mission of Gracenter.
- You have the personal satisfaction of knowing that your vision of including Gracenter in your estate plans strengthens the lives of women in recovery and the lives of their families as well as the wider community.
If you wish to name Good Shepherd Gracenter in your will, you may use this sample language: “I give, devise and bequeath to Good Shepherd Gracenter, federal tax identification number #94-1156670, located at 1310 Bacon St. San Francisco, CA 94134, the sum of $________ (or _____% of my estate) (or describe the real personal property you wish to leave) to be used for its general purposes.”*
* Please note: This is merely suggested wording; please consult your attorney or an estate planning professional when preparing legal documents.
For more information about the Legacy of Grace through planned giving, call the Executive Director Sr. Marguerite Bartling, RGS at (628) 224-2050.
For more information about supporting women in recovery through planned giving, please call Executive Director Sr. Marguerite Bartling, RGS at (628) 224-2050.